Labels:airplane | audio cd | clock | compact disk | crt screen | disk | plant | railing | road | sky | toilet | tree | windowpane OCR: DIGITAL PRES Wntten and Threced by Wasowaks BrOURGES the Lroators the Matrin Enter The Matrix 2003 Jufourames inc Uoder ticense trom Warner brus AlL nunts resti ved Published and distnbuted try Infagrames Europe SA Intogrames and the latogr ame: togo are registered trademarks Infogrames Europe SA other tradeffarks are the prouert of their respective owners WBIE LOGO Warner TE Bros Warter Bros Shinv PREAS ENEER Wren tirected Warsowahs tmlety Hnfogrames Allrights reserved Pubished Tatogrames loge tradenarks Tnfagrames traderfiarks praperty